Saturday, January 13, 2007

Special Press Request from Lebanese Delegation

The Lebanese delegation has requested Aftenposten to publish their statement on the recent rocket attacks on German vessels. Their statement is as follows:

The Lebanese Republic wishes to address recent reports of attacks on UNIFIL Naval forces in the Mediterranean Sea near our shores. Vague reports have stated these rocket attacks emerged from Lebanese soil. Reports also stated that Dutch and German vessels suffered damage. The Lebanese Republic wishes to extend its condemnation of these acts, and also the act by an unknown terrorist organization; the suicide bombing of the German Parliament building. We wish to reiterate our ongoing support of the UNIFIL forces effort to create and maintain peace and stability in southern Lebanon. Further the Lebanese Republic extends our heartfelt sympathies to the families and victims of these attacks.

Remembering the instances that led to a brutal and ruthless destruction of our country by the Israeli State this past summer, we want to avoid any misunderstandings, which our aggressors might seek to use against us again. We had no knowledge of the horrific acts prior to their occurrence. Nor does the Lebanese Republic endorse such behaviour by non states groups such as Hezbollah.

The Lebanese Republic cannot reemerge as a prosperous, peaceful state if its government is last to know and first to be held accountable for acts by terrorist organizations unjustly claimed to be rooted in our country.

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